We encourage the community of St. Francis to consciously begin a journey to WHOLENESS in body, mind and spirit. Wholeness is not only a condition or a state; it is also a process. We are always moving towards (or away from) wholeness. And, when we are whole we are at harmony with God, and our inner selves, and the body and mind processes that promote health and healing are activated.
Relay For Life(R) with The American Cancer Society June 26-June 27
Relay For Life®
will be held in Ann Arbor, MI
Where-Washtenaw Community College
When- June 26-June 27. For more information, call 734.971.4300 or visit RelayForLife.org/annarbormi or e-mail jessica.harrison@cancer.org.
This inspiring overnight event unites the entire community in celebrating those who have had cancer, remembering loved ones lost, and providing an opportunity to fight back against the disease.
You can form a team of your fellow parishioners, family members and friends, or walk as an individual. Volunteers are also needed to provide their time and talent to ensure the success of this year's Relay For Life event. Relay For Life supports the Society's mission to save lives by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures and by fighting back.
Thank you for the St. Francis Health Fair 2010
The St. Francis Health Ministry is so thankful for everyone volunteering their valued time & talents - - our community is on the road to wellness because of all of you!! Danaica Watson, RN, St. Francis Parish Nurse.
Thank you to our Volunteers: who provided Blood Pressure and Glucose Screenings, Registration, Set up, And Clean up Help!!! Bernice Mathews RN, Cherie Holodnick RN, Jenny Rupnow RN, , Liselle Douyon MD, Lynette Mollo NP, Suzanne Parsell NP, Vanessa Tatton, Kim Landis MD, Chris Boston SN, Carol McCaffrey RN, Craig Cordeiro GN, Connie Newman RN, Nevi Kaur RN, Julie Conlin RN, Deborah Coley RN, Bridget Martinez, Michelle Englehardt, Katrina Coley
Thank you to Our Corporate Sponsors:
Great Harvest Bread Company
Hillers Market
Panera Bread
Trader Joes
University Living
GE Health Systems
Wright and Filippis
Thanks to Our Raffle Prize Donors: Raffle prizes included $50 gift card from Hillers, $25 gift card from Kroger, Trader Joes gift bag full of yummy groceries, 10 bike helmets from St. Joseph Mercy Health System, and University Living gave a beautiful spring gift basket!
Thank you to all of the wonderful businesses involved!!!
American Cancer Society- Carol Yarrington
Alternative Healing- Margaret Rose Byrne RN
American Heart Association- U of M Heart Transplant Program- Joanne S. Meagher RN
American Red Cross- Lynda Boone, Carol Middel
Aphasia Friendship Center-Debbie Sackett
Beltone of AnnArbor- Tom Nawrot
Food Addicts Anonymous- Caroline, Nancy, Stoney
Performance Chiropractic- Dr. Tim Dehr
Wright and Filippis- Leanne Clark and staff
In Touch Massage-John Fry, Sarah Musil
ITB Physical Therapy- Brandon Jones
Kellogg Eye Center- Dr. Bergstrom, staff and students
M-Fit- Craig Kotajarvi
NAMI- Barb Higman, Cristobal Acosta, Bill Frasier
NIA Instructor- Teresa K. Myers
Healthy Eating
Smoking Cessation Group U of M
St. Jos. Mercy Hospital- hand washing demo, alcohol effects, and smoking display – Deb Maitland RN
University of
Sweets vs.
University of Michigan School of Dental Hygiene - Students: Janet Kinney, Ashley Hall, Elizabeth Brown, Elizabeth Easter, Julia Johnson, Kayleigh Smith, Natalie Alexa, Teresa Thomson
Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition- Judy Gwozdek
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Health Fair 2010 is fast approaching!!
Our Health Ministry has been busy planning our next big endeavor which is The St. Francis Annual Health Fair, it will be May 16th, 2010 from 9am-2pm in the St. Francis School gym. We are in the process of confirming vendors and recruiting volunteers to help with this great event! We will be offering free blood pressure screening, free glucose checks, glaucoma screening, dental health awareness, alternative health therapies, therapeutic massage, and much more. If you would like to help with this, please email danaica (at) umich (dot) edu and put in subject line volunteer for health fair. We had a wonderful turn out last year and expect the same if not better this year. Our Health Ministry is committed to promoting health through education and disease prevention, early screening and recognizing signs and symptoms of certain conditions like Diabetes, can save peoples lives and prevent terrible illnesses. Please join me in helping our community stay healthy and educated!
Danaica Watson BSN RN, St.Francis Parish Nurse / Health Ministry