We encourage the community of St. Francis to consciously begin a journey to WHOLENESS in body, mind and spirit. Wholeness is not only a condition or a state; it is also a process. We are always moving towards (or away from) wholeness. And, when we are whole we are at harmony with God, and our inner selves, and the body and mind processes that promote health and healing are activated.
blood drive November 25th, 2012, in the St. Francis PAC.
High Blood Pressure!! - FREE blood pressure screenings
The St. Francis Health Ministry is offering FREE blood pressure screenings after masses November 11, 2012. Know your numbers and change your life! You can prevent heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and numerous other medical conditions by controlling your blood pressure.
Smart Goals for Hypertension
Talk to your health care provider about the lifestyle changes that are appropriate for you
1. Follow the DASH Diet "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension"
The DASH diet has been proved to reduce blood pressure, which can help you live a longer and healthier life. Follow these tips from the DASH diet to lower your blood pressure:
· Eat fewer processed foods (such as snack items, lunch meats, canned soup)
· Eat foods high in calcium, potassium, and magnesium (such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy)
· Eat foods with less sodium (salt)
· Eat 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables and 3 servings of low-fat dairy products each day.
· Eat foods low in fat
2. Get Moving!
Do 30-45 minutes of exercise each day. Walk, bike, swim, or
Other exercise for thirty minutes each day. You can do it!
3. Reduce salt
· Do not add salt to food at the table
· Reduce or get rid of salt used in cooking
· Limit processed and fast food
· Read package labels for amount of salt (sodium) in food