Upcoming Events:
October 02, 2012/ Flu Clinic/2-6pm/PAC/Danaica Watson 734-821-2115
November 11,2012/ Blood Pressure Screening/ Church gathering space after masses/ Danaica Watson 734-821-2115
November 25, 2012/ Blood Drive/8-2pm/PAC/Danaica Watson 734-821-2115
December3-7,2012/ Hand Washing/ times TBD/ School PreK-4th grade/ Danaica Watson 734-821-2115
December3-7,2012/ Hand Washing/ times TBD/ School PreK-4th grade/ Danaica Watson 734-821-2115
December 10,2012/ Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids/times TBD/ School 5th-8th grade/Danaica Watson 734-821-2115
I need to confirm dates of blood drive and blood pressure screening ...
The Health Ministry is busy keeping St. Francis Healthy and Well!
St. Francis Health Ministry taught the 4th grade class about the lungs as they learned the human body organs and systems. The dangers of smoking and the effects of how smoking harms the body and its' organs was shown in a demonstration using pig lungs! The children really enjoyed this demonstration.
The Health Ministry also taught the Girl Scouts about first aid and would like to thank Huron Valley Ambulance for providing basic CPR skill training and providing first aid kits for the troop. The Health Ministry is committed to providing education to our children and community on prevention of disease and living a healthy lifestyle. We have provided blood pressure screenings that have resulted in detection of high blood pressure and have educated our children on the importance of hand washing to prevent germ transmission.
Our Annual Health Fair in May was a great success! Over 40 vendors volunteered to provide health screenings including blood sugar checks, glaucoma screening, education on ovarian cancer prevention and early detection, Crohns Disease, colitis, Gift of Life, and U of M Allergy were just a few of the topics covered. If you would like to become a member of The St. Francis Health Ministry please email our Parish Nurse at nurse@stfrancisa2.org
We thank our volunteers and wish you all health and wellness in mind, body and spirit. May God bless you on your journey toward health. To learn more about The St. Francis Health Ministry please visit our blog at stfrancishealth.blogspot.com
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